Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Buried Treasure

A major part of our job in liquidating estates is realizing the highest possible revenue for our client. Normally this focuses mainly on the selling of the contents of the home, but sometimes, just sometimes, it becomes more of a hunt for buried treasure.

Case in point was a sale we did for a client, in which there was literally a metric ton of old paperwork, enough to fill a dumpster!

As is our custom, we paged through every one of thousands of documents before sending them off to the shredder. We found many lost family photos, decades-old tax returns, and more. Most of what we found was garbage, until we struck gold for the family in the form of a group of MATURED SAVINGS BONDS worth hundreds! Imagine the smiles on our clients' faces when we presented them with our discovery!

And, to think, this was money that could have been lost FOREVER!

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