Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Don't Let This Happen to You

One of the first things prospective clients ask me is, "Do I really need to hire a professional to sell and clear the contents of a home?" I think there's no better answer to this question than the sad story related by Gina M. in the following letter written to me. Gina apparently spent thankless days, weeks, months and long hours decluttering a friend's home at her own expense, and now feels used and abused. Don't let the following happen to you.

Gina writes: I just spent 2 months, 7 days week, 10-14 hrs a day decluttering a friends house to prepare for her homecoming from the hospital. I was the only person doing this. I am still there every 2 days caring for her cat who I am trying to adopt out. My friend came home for less than 6 hrs before I had to call an ambulance for her to return to the hospital. Now, I have learned that she will not be coming home at all but will be going to a nursing home since she is afraid to live by herself. Her sister is the one who called me in a panic after her 4th day in hospital (beginning of May) stating that 'they' would condemn her sister's home and never let her return to it since it was such a mess...she was a hoarder but not as bad as you see on tv. Her sis was preparing to leave on a 2 week holiday that she could not cancel without losing $7000 and expressed how she wished she could do it herself (she was almost crying and desparate) Now I am hearing that all my hard work was not pointless since now they can now sell the is in showcase condition. Do you agree that they should offer me 'something' when they sell the house? My friend gave me 'gas' money to cover gas only driving 20 plus km every day to work at her house. Everyone (my family and friends) feel that I have been 'used' to get the house ready for sale. I was only expecting to neaten things up, vacuum, dust, wash floors a week before her return f rom the hospital and got 'roped' into this due to a panic call from her sister. Since my friend had a trach installed and can no longer talk, her sis told me the place had to be practically 'sterile' or she wouldn't be allowed to come home. I was shocked and in a panic, agreed to do everything I could including contacting her other friends to go visit her at the hospital during the sister's 2 wk absence. I ended up spending my whole summer cleaning her house. Should I, or do I have the right to expect anything from the sale of her house?
What would this have cost a professional to do? Now, her sister is hinting that I should run a garage sale so the proceeds can go to my f riend's church...I think I've done more than enough. When my daughter wanted to buy an outdoor lounger from my friend's garage, she asked for $40 since she paid $79 and had never gotten the chance to use it yet!!!! Prior to that, she said she 'didn't care' about anything in the garage and that the church could sell everything and keep the money. I will be delivering the money to her in the hospital but am shocked she would even charge me! What was my time worth? What would you have charged? It probably would take a week for your TEAM of workers to do the same?????
She is considering using an estate seller to sell her house contents...what percentage would you charge to do this? No antiques, just nice furniture. I've already thrown mountains of garbage away!!! The house is neat and sparse and ready for sale.
I only cleaned her house so she would be able to live independently with paid care workers and not have to go into a nursing home. She is only 59. She told me she wanted to come home but told her other friends she was too afraid to live alone. I've known her for over 30 years but have only seen her about twice a year prior to her health problems...breast cancer 10 yrs ago. I have never met any of her current friends or family until I was cleaning her house. she led me to believe her two older sisters just wanted to put her away in a nursing home so they wouldn't have to deal with her.
I never expected payment...I just wanted to give her the opportunity to come home and live whatever time she had left with as much dignity and freedom as possible. I was texting with her almost daily giving her pep talks and trying to keep her on a positive track addressing her fears and life changes etc. Now I'm wondering if I was only used.I have become an emotional wreck and am looking after an 81 yr mom, daughter and husband still recovering from major surgery and is diagnosed with cancer himself.

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